Wednesday, June 18, 2008

BH4YP: Are Our Children Being Taught False American History?

For the summer, Dr. Kwaku's blog will focus on the Black History 4 Young People summer series, held this year at Kaos Studios. Please wake up that son or daughter and bring them to class on Saturday mornings! There will be no written assignments, or books to buy, but they can participate in a weekly quiz based on Heritage, a history book donated to each student by author Deloris Holt. It's theirs to keep. Thanks, Ms. Holt!

For students ages 12-18, don't you think it's about time they learned their history? Here's what's being discussed in this week's class:

School districts are still teaching that Columbus discovered America. We now know that Afrikans were sailing back and forth to the Americas about 1,000 years before Columbus. They constructed pyramids, enormous heads, statues, religious implements, linguistic habits, royal ornaments and other items of evidence. There is also plant and fruit evidence. These are things sadly left out of American history from middle school to the university.

This Saturday, we will cover these areas of concern in detail, as well as present the visual evidence. This is a must class for any student who has to take American history at their perspective schools.

We will also cover the Afrikan descendant's of the first human beings and observe their genius engineering, construction, medical and other traits that belie the title of being labeled primitive.

Don't let your child miss this golden opportunity taught nowhere else. For details and registration form, go to: See you there.

Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn
Black History 4 Young People

We have five weeks left of this special summer series for young people, held this year 10 a.m. to Noon at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. The registration fee is $60; Individual Classes: $15 per person, unless your son or daughter is a former student, then it is $10 per class. And of course, by student, we mean those who have registered and taken a full session in the past.

We thank our sponsors of BH4YP. For a complete list, click here. Thanks to them, we do have a few scholarships available. Contact

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Dr. Kwaku's Blog:
Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

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